Bullet: thought

are brand you.

Your personal brand is a culmination of everything you put out into the world under the banner of your name. It’s not a logo or a style or a website or a social media follower count. Or rather, it’s not just any one of those things, but all of them mushed together into the perception

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of anything daily.

Daily practice isn’t about volume, nor output, nor streaks, and neither is it about simply filling a calendar. Daily practice is about doing something on repeat, routinely, no matter the mood or state of mind you happen to be in or the place you are at physically, mentally, emotionally, or whatever. Daily practice is about

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of personal style.

Style can be defined many ways, but I think to me it denotes the notion of a personal or distinctive collection of choices that make you… you, and determine how you present yourself to the world. The fashion your choose. Manners you convey. Your attitude to others. The words you say and write. The music

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