Bullet: thought

on class.

Seven weeks into an eight week class I feel a lot of things, but I think it’s best summed up with a description of a graph. The Confidence versus Knowledge graph, they say, is like a curve with a deep dip in the middle. At the start, when knowledge is (greater than zero but still)

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on not drawing.

I’m taking a deserved day off. I’ve been drawing every day for the whole month of March and (with some family stuff happening today) I need a day to catch my breath. The break will be short-lived, of course, because (a) it’s basically spring now and I can start to see the trees budding and

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of spring-spiration.

It’s the first day of spring. Or, officially, the spring equinox and the astronomical point at which the planetary axis corresponds to this thing we think of as a seasonal change. I was thinking about being outside again and painting in the fresh air. I could, in theory, paint outside year-round, but since watercolour needs

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about the details.

I’m not a details person. In my head I think I’d like to be, but it takes a special sort of mood for me to focus on the little things. So, when I’m in that mood and that mood corresponds to a point in time when I happen to have a paint brush in my

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