Category: sunrise-sunset

of winter skies.

I decided in later October that I was going to write here moreā€”and then promptly October turned into November and November is a month when I do a 50,000 word novel-writing challenge and that consumes hours of my day, each day, and leaves very little time behind for either art or writing about art. But it’s December now. And I’m still busy trying to bring that novel from about fifty-eight thousand words to a conclusion

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on the first day of daily drawing.

If you haven’t been keeping up with my daily notes, then you may also be unaware that I’ve dubbed March 2023 a month called #mARTch and am planning on drawing, sketching, painting, and otherwise being squwetchy all through the 31 days of this month, As I write this, the first day of March is essentially three quarters over, but I’ve fulfilled my end of that bargain and already produced a not-terrible watercolour. In my planning

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