Category: robots

of transcending realities.

While everyone else is lamenting the creep of artificial intelligence into our lives, I took a different tactic and asked ChatGTP for some advice on how to become a time travelling, intergalactic artist. She told me the following A time-travelling artist would have a unique perspective and the ability to draw inspiration from various eras and cultures throughout history. Their art would likely reflect a fusion of different styles, techniques, and themes from different time

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of a fictional nature.

One of the struggles any artist will eventually face, I think, is that of defining a personal style. What do you draw? What medium do you use? What feeling are you going for? How do you want to be seen? A lot of learning comes from imitation of someone else, watching the technique of others and trying to replicate it. But that’s just all it is: technique. At some point a whole bunch of pieces

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