Bullet: goal

on plein air lunch breaks, part one.

I’ve been taking my pocket sketchbook to work with me, the little one, the wallet-sized, fit-in-your-jacket-pocket, discrete-to-carry-around moleskine that I started sketching in almost a year ago but have only filled about a dozen pages, that one. The goal, and one I need to more consciously aspire towards now that spring is here and outdoor

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on half march.

Getting to the half way point in any goal is something to be celebrated. As of today I’m about half way done my daily sketching goal for the month. I’ve got a lot more work to do to finalize that effort, but half way is a kind of symbolic milestone that it is possible to

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about #mARTch.

As February draws to a close, I look to the changing of the calendar page (as I often do) for inspiration for a month of — something. (In April I’m already planning a fitness blast and looking to run every day of that month, but for March I figured something a little more creative and

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of sunrises.

March, just hours away as I write this, is often a month of sunrises. Sure, there are sunrises all year long, but where I live the timing, angle, and moisture levels in the air make March a month of spectacularly beautiful sunrises at a convenient time of day. I used to take lots of sunrise

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on dabbling.

I painted a picture last night and it’s a mess, and I’m fine with that. It’s not a bad painting, per se, but it didn’t quite do what I wanted it to do. Not that I’m sure I could even tell you what it is that I wanted it to do anyways. It was an

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